

Graph scheduling engine.


This program can execute graphs written in the application/json+plastic-io schema.


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Major engine features

  • Just in time loading and compiling of:
    • graph
    • nodes
    • embedded graphs
    • ES6 code
  • Event emitter shows detailed graph execution data
  • Graphs can be published, linked and embedded in other graphs
  • Nodes can be published and linked
  • Graphs support templating engines to create UIs using various frameworks (e.g.: Vue, React)

Basic Usage

    // load the lib
import {Scheduler} from "plastic-io";
// instantiate the scheduler
const scheduler = new Scheduler(myGraphJson);
scheduler.url("url-of-a-node", "some value");

For more useage see Scheduler

To create, run and debug graphs, use the plastic-io/graph-editor and the plastic-io/graph-server

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